Adam Longleg
Adam is technically gifted and would love to build an airplane and travel around the world with it. He is curious and interested in everything. weiterlesen…
Hand-sewn bears for caring and collecting
Adam is technically gifted and would love to build an airplane and travel around the world with it. He is curious and interested in everything. weiterlesen…
Amadeus is a sweet little guy, likes to nibble for his life and most loves cherries.
Arthur is small, but he has a loud voice. If he does not like something, he screams loudly. To soothe him, just give him a weiterlesen…
Ashley is very creative, he loves to work with paint and his watercolors are beautiful.he is very sociable and is happy, when you are around. weiterlesen…
Basil is open for all adventures, but he needs to be cuddled a lot. He is very social and has always a look for you weiterlesen…
Blue doesn’t like rain and snow. He is happy, when the sun shines and the flowers are blooming. He loves to be cuddled and please weiterlesen…
Brownie is really tiny, but he has a big heart for everything and everyone. He loves to read crime stories and if noone is looking, weiterlesen…
Buddy is very friendly and loves all animals, not only bears. He loves to assist with cooking and his favourite treat are Spaghetti.
Buster loves to take pictures and he prefers clouds. He likes to be in the garden and let the sun shine on his belly. In weiterlesen…
Carmichael is white and he loves everything coloured. He dreams of travels to foreign countries and already has asked for a passport. He loves to weiterlesen…
Cedric is very sweet, likes all people and loves to eat vanilla pudding with whipped cream.
Daniel likes it when you cuddle him a lot. He is very domestic and likes to help with housework. He prefers to cook vanilla pudding weiterlesen…
Darwin is purple and that’s a good thing, because he is very adventurous and runs off now and then. His color makes him easy to weiterlesen…
Emerald loves languages and he speaks german, english and french. He laughs a lot and is always happy – maybe because of the caramel sweets? weiterlesen…
Ezra likes to go out for a walk, wants to be cuddled daily and likes everything that is green.
Fellow is a friendly little bear. He is popular wherever he is and no one can be angry with him. Sometimes he talks quite a lot weiterlesen…
Ferguson is already quite mature and he likes to drink a half pint of Guiness. He enjoys this in the rocking chair by the fireplace. weiterlesen…
Finlay loves to play and with his long arms he especially loves ball games. He is a good boy and wants you to smile forever. weiterlesen…
Floyd is tall and slim, because he runs with great pleasure and untiring. He would love to join the Ironman in Hawaii, but swimming is weiterlesen…
George is a particularly dear, affectionate bear. He stands out because of his color and that is sometimes embarrassing. He does not like being alone weiterlesen…
Gordon loves to sit on the windowsill and watch everything around him. He doesn’t like to be alone and always wants to accompany you. He weiterlesen…
Gregory likes honey and you’ll have to give him a honey treat daily. He is very sociable and would like to accompany you everywhere. He weiterlesen…
Harvey – what can you say? Just have a look and you know all: Handsome, friendly and absolutely cute. He is thankful for a hug weiterlesen…
Henry is a bit different than other bears because he is blue. That’s because he likes to eat blueberries, if possible every day. He is weiterlesen…
Ivey likes to walk with you on the beach. He loves to be outdoors and it often takes some time to persuade him to go home with weiterlesen…
Jack is a late riser and it’s hard to get him out of bed in the morning. As long as he does not get the weiterlesen…
James is very proud of his petrol coloured fur. He is very tidy and he always needs a napkin. He loves to walk and he weiterlesen…
Keith loves bodybuilding and sometimes exaggerates it. This can be seen in his muscular upper arms. He likes to be with you, but now and weiterlesen…
Kirk is a wonderful bud, he is very social and loves a little glass of redwine every now and then
Konrad is very delicate, but he‘s a sly old dog. He loves to hide and then he wonders, if you find him quickly. He loves weiterlesen…
Lenny likes to have a small vanilla ice cream with chocolate sprinkles and a cream sponge every day. He is sociable, but sometimes he needs weiterlesen…
Lincoln is green because he ate a lot of spinach in his youth and the color simply could not be wiped away. Since he is weiterlesen…
Logan doesn‘t want to be on his own and wants to be entertained whenever possible. He loves to vet the sea and wants to walk weiterlesen…
Matthew likes to nibble, needs a daily dose of cuddling and loves snow.
Maurice is a naughty, but also very dear fellow. He prefers to spend time on the playground with his friends and plays in the sandbox. weiterlesen…
Max is a special bear and he knows it. He is a bit shy and needs time to get accustomed to new territories. A walk weiterlesen…
Mike is very intelligent. He is a real House-Mouse, because he knows about all the dangers out there on the roads and woods. He loves weiterlesen…
Morrison likes all people and is very sociable. He enjoys reading thrillers and likes to have a piece of chocolate with it. But beware! He weiterlesen…
Mortimer needs much care. He‘s a bit fearful and needs many hugs. Hazelnut icecream is his passion. He loves flowers and would love give you weiterlesen…
Newton loves to be warm and cozy. He likes to listen to rock music, preferably loud. He is prone to colds and therefore needs a honey weiterlesen…
Nigel likes to be the center of attention. He is very attentive, likes to read and therefore knows many things from the bear world. He weiterlesen…
Nils is a bit vulnerable and prone to colds, so he always has a scarf around his neck. You always have to have cough drops weiterlesen…
Oscar has a slightly rough shell, but a very soft core. He likes to be on the move in the woods and fields during the summer. He weiterlesen…
Osmond is very kind and loyal, likes to go out for a little walk and loves whipped cream and chocolate.
Paul is almost always happy and if he is not, then read him a fairy tale – that helps! He likes spaghetti with tomato sauce, weiterlesen…
Pearson has a sunny mind and likes to sing. He is very attentive and inquisitive. Hazelnuts are his favorite food. He needs a lot of weiterlesen…
Peter is green and that is because he just loves to lie down in the grass and watch the clouds moving along. He is always weiterlesen…
Philip is a friendly and cozy brown bear. He loves to snack on caramel sweets and you have to be careful that he does not weiterlesen…
Randall likes to paint and he accidentally fell into the yellow color. He makes the best of it and likes everything yellow: sunflowers, honey and weiterlesen…
Rob loves all things blue. He needs lots of attention and loves caramel goodies.
Seamus loves gardening and he likes flowers. He is cheerful and cosmopolitan. If you give him a piece of nougat every day and cuddle him, weiterlesen…
Mr. Seymour MacMouse is very polite and friendly. He likes to be in the kitchen with you and wants to try everything. Cheese is of weiterlesen…
Speedy is very cute, he doesn’t like to be left alone and for a handful of lemon drops he is open for almost everything.
Stirling likes to walk in the nature and he loves flowers and animals. In the evening, when he’s tired, he needs a lot of cuddles.
Terrence likes cheese, which is no wonder for a mouse. He needs a lot of exercise and he likes cats. In the evening he needs weiterlesen…
Truman is a bit curious. He is interested in everything and you have to tell him a lot. He loves cookies and a cup of weiterlesen…
Tyler always has a smile for you. He is very intelligent and learns quickly. He can already say “Cheers” in 10 languages and he likes weiterlesen…
Urban likes to play guitar, he is very musical. When he is alone, he occasionally steals a praline, but always just a single one. He weiterlesen…
Usher loves to read, and if there’s no book around, he even takes the Phone book. If he has to stay alone, give ihm some weiterlesen…
Valentin is a nice and funny guy. He likes to be outside and eats Nutella bread. Preferably every day!
Vernon is a bit shy and he needs a lot of love and attention. He likes to read thrillers and tries to identify the offender weiterlesen…
Wilson likes to tour, he best loves to run on the beach all day. He likes to collect shells. To get him coming home again, you weiterlesen…